I am reluctant to post this site because the first item could potentially be very dangerous, but the rest of the information is too good to pass up. If you do visit and decide to make the squat stands, please please please take a lot of caution if you plan to put anything heavy on them.
Now back on topic - the sled design on this site is gold. As a carpenter, I don't know how I managed to not come up with something similar when I was building my own sled. I opted for the quick and easy option of a tire, eye bolt and some plywood to load weight. Since I have all the materials necessary laying around in the garage, I'm planning on building a new sled. I'm going to alter the design to resemble The Prowler II from EliteFTS. What makes this great since I pretty much have all the necessary materials on hand is that I'm getting a similar product without having to pay $484 (shipping included).
Be sure to look at the other Homemade, DIY ideas - Make Your Own Equipment
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