Weight training for women is an often misunderstood topic. I hear from a lot of women that they do not train like the boys because they don't want to end up looking like a man. This is far from the truth. In the following two articles by Joe Defranco, we find that resistance training for both men and women should following the same basic principles for optimal performance.
Should Females Train Differently Than Males? talks about the subtle differences between male and female resistance training that may surprise some of you.
Training for the Female Athlete shows why it is important for women to properly strength train to prevent several gender specific injuries.
And for an excellent resource on women's weight training, be sure to check out Stumptuous.com, where even us guys can find useful information.
Hey there, Very informative and excellent post you have here on.i really enjoyed reading it, will be back soon.Do keep up the good work
Warm Regards
Biby Cletus :- Blog
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