Sunday, October 29, 2006

Turkish Get-Up: Functional & Fun

TGUs are great for grapplers and just about everyone else since we all need shoulder strength and stability. Jeff Martone gives practical tips for performing the perfect Get-up and demonstrates the Kettlebell armbar, which is an awesome shoulder stretch.

The Turkish Get-up

Friday, October 13, 2006

Ross Enamait - Sledge Hammer Training

Ross has put together another article on an ever growing popular tool - the sledge hammer.

Check it out: Ross Enamait: Sledge Hammer Training

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Tactical Athlete

I've added Jeff Martone's site to the Fitness Links on your left. I believe Martone has several unique products that would be a great addition to any fitness library. His "outside the box" thinking is what originally attracted me to his style of training and why I am now marketing his products. You are missing out on some great workouts if you aren't using Martone's H2H drills.

Check out Jeff Martone's impressive resume on his WEBSITE under bios in the About us tab.

If you ever get bored with your current routine, check out some of Martone's material. His H2H drills and SHOT Training will provide you will a never ending supply of fun and varied routines. If you don't think a 18 lb shot can give you a work out try it and see. Remember, a lot of people do not believe swinging around a 35 lb kettlebell is such a big deal. Those in the know, know otherwise. If you are just looking for a challenge... toss on a weight vest and give the SHOT training a run through.

I'll be posting some product reviews in the future when I get around to reviewing the material. Stay tuned.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Make Your Own Medicine Ball

I've tried out several different methods for making medicine balls. All seem to work great. My first attempt was simply taking an old basketball that I had sitting around and cutting a small 'X' shaped slit with a box cutter. I put a funnel into the slit and opened up a $3 bag of sand and started filling. I then took a roll of duct tape and taped the hell out of it. I was left with a silver ball, which weighed in at 23 lbs. I finished up by writing the weight on the ball with a Sharpie. The ball has lasted a couple years, and I still use it from time to time.

Browsing the Internet I found an article that showed how to make a medicine ball that you could pump air back into to retain its shape and give it more bounce if you wanted. This way produced a ball that rivals the expensive Dynamax balls.

Here are the plans:
THE SLAMMER: A How to Guide to Making Your Own Medicine Balls

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Bryce Lane's Articles

Bryce Lane's site with a ton of interesting articles on strength, endurance and flexibility training. There are some good ideas here:
