Wednesday, November 21, 2007


Cool blog with tons of lifting info. There is even a post with the Texas Method. This is definitely one to keep an eye on.

StrongLifts Blog

Monday, November 19, 2007

Ross Enamait - New Book & DVD

Enamait's much anticipated DVD project was released today. A 90-page manual plus a 108 minute DVD is a bargain for $25. If Ross' past products are any indication, this DVD will blow you away. I am hoping my copy is here by the weekend.

Full Throttle Conditioning

"The Full Throttle Conditioning package includes a 108 minute DVD and a 90 page companion manual.

Within the DVD, Ross gives you a backstage pass to his conditioning dungeon. Watch how he takes simplistic tools and creates intense and effective conditioning workouts. Expect to be challenged, as you learn a proven, effective, and efficient conditioning system.

The companion manual contains additional information regarding topics such as program creation, sample workouts, and the science behind the system.

This program is not based around a specific piece of equipment. The principles can be applied to almost any exercise or tool."