Here is a picture of Arthur Saxon performing the Two Hands Anyhow lift. Since 1905, Saxon has held the record in this lift with an incredible 445 pounds - that is with a 335 pound barbell and a 110 pound kettlebell). Much can be learned from these old time strongmen.
Within the last 10-15 years, more and more people are getting interested in "functional" weight training and utilizing methods that were once popular lifting modalities by strongmen throughout the world. A lot can be learned form the study of history. This is a neat little website featuring odd lifting or the "forgotten lifting." Forgotten because these are the lifts that were popular by the old time strongmen, which have largely been forgotten in today's society.
Weightlifting: The Forgotten Lifts
If you want more information on the old time strongmen, be sure to check the links to the left for the Sandow Plus and the Maxalding sites. They will be well worth your time.
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