I was at one time suffering from chronic knee pain after following misguided weightlifting advice and growing up playing just about every sport imaginable that was available to me as a young American athlete. It got to the point where I was tired of limping around campus everyday so I made an appointment with the university health clinic, which was probably a mistake, seeing how this wasn't treatable with penicillin. The "doctor" didn't have any diagnosis or advice for me other than don't do any squatting movements. This irritated me after I took the time to come in for an appointment. I wanted to ask her how the hell a person could get by in life without squatting. Was I suppose to shit standing up? Leave my shoe laces untied? Not get in and out of a car? I decided to leave it alone and left the office grateful that I never attended this doctors med school (read: I'm just an ass, this probably wasn't her area of expertise). I never did get a diagnosis.
So what followed was a year of perfect form, as-to-grass and face-the-wall bodyweight squats performed almost daily in a slow and controlled fashion. I believe this along with joint mobility was what "healed" my knee pain, whatever it may have been (this is only my personal experience - you my require different corrective procedures). The treatment that worked best was what the school's doctor told me not to do. It's a funny world. If I had to do it all over again, the only thing I would do differently would be to try the advice from TreatYourOwnPain.com. This site shows a method to wrap your knee in a manner that will decrease your pain from 70-90%, during painful activities. Maybe this method could have kept me on the go while I continued to correct my knee problem. Since I no longer have any knee pain to test this on, some of you may try this out and report back. Just be sure the knee wrap technique does not become a permanent crutch that keeps you from correcting the source of the problem.
Here is the site again - TreatYourOwnPain.com
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